ZxR MH system will use a point system.
This will only count monster hunt (not pack buying)
Quota will be 40pts/week.
Your choice how you do it and on what days, just make sure to reach 40 before Next period.

1period: Monday 14:00 JST(Pack update time)~ Next Monday 13:59 JST

Lv.2 – 1 point
Lv.3 – 3 points
Lv.4 – 8 points
Lv.5 – 15 points

If you have multiple accounts, it doesn’t matter which account you get points for.
However, you must reach the quota for the number of accounts you own.

MH kills will be monitored by bot daily.
Level 1s are not allowed.
MH Report will be posted every Monday.

Those who will not reach the quota in a row can eliminate it by hunting the shortfall or paying gems or sending rss.

How to supply castle rallies

The rules are as follows.

T5/T4=6:4  100K(Limit)
T5/T4=0:1   50K(Limit)
T4/T2=6:4  100K(Limit)

If the rally time is less than 2 minutes, the repaid “50K→200K” may be indicated.

Basically, it is “early wins”.
It is not obligatory to make space. It is “good intention” of the member who vacated.

We will instruct you about fortress warfare from rally lead in a timely manner.

Guild Festival

About Goals


Full Ticket(11/11)

Supplementary Explanation

1. Our purpose is to get participation rewards.
2. There is no quota for getting points.
3. Please do not make arbitrary assumptions such as “I should get a lot of points because I am a member of ZxR”.
4. Please digest your ticket naturally as you feel.
5. The management will not adjust the number of participants in advance.
6. Members who want not to participate in GF must temporarily leave ZxR at the start time (Monday at 2pm-JST). Our Bot will be turned off for about 1 hour to keep track of participating members, but you can rejoin ZxR at any time after that.
7. If you are in GF and fail to complete the full ticket (11/11), you will be kicked. You will not be able to rejoin ZxR until the end of the reward collection period (3 days from the end of GF).

Dragon Arena

Basic rules of DA

1. Most prioritize is victory for ZxR.
However, don’t forget finish solo points.
2. All mates have to use army size boost (50%)
3. All mates have to take forts proactively.
Especially, we have to grasp the “army atk boost” of Ancient remains anytime in order to fight.
4. Don’t freak out, and open rallies.
However, you have to choose the enemy for win.
5. You have to say the comp in chat.
proactively when you open rallies, Then everyone can fill your rally.
6. All mates have to sit around any fort.
Don’t sit around dragon altar.
And then, you have to take fort soon when if enemies withdrew from it
Don’t leave fort alone which is empty
7. Don’t late under rally. Never be late
8. Don’t fill forts with one troop, except for main rally lead
(Because of, rally lead always set the rallies that’s why they difficult to finish solo points)

Priority of forts

1. Ancient remains
2. Citadel
3. Transporter
4. Hot springs

However, If it’s a close game, we might prioritize to the “Caravan”
(give instructions each time)

Main comp

Auto(Automatic organization)
T5/T4=10:0-8:2(Separately instructed by our enemy)

Rally set time

1min-2min(Separately instructed by our enemy)

Supply of RSS

Basically, we supply all War Treatment RSS.
In addition, food is always open.(Excluding R2)

Please note that the supply amount may be limited at the timing immediately after immigration.

War Treatment RSS (in War)

There is no fixed template, but please make a resource request with the following contents.

[your location][quantity(0,0,0,0,0)]

☑ Number is food/stone/wood/ore/gold, from left to right.
☑ Enter “0” for unnecessary rss and don’t forget to enter the unit “m”.
Ex.) If you want 50m food only → 50m 0 0 0 0

Food (always)

We will supply from “YUKiBank”.(Excluding R2)

@food quantity(××m)

☑ Don’t forget the unit “m” for quantity.
☑ Always request from near the bank.

About Player Power Limits

ZxR is power limitation guild.
The top line is 2.0 billion.

Please adjust your power after fully considering the scrolls you own.
If you participate in ZxR war activities to some extent, your power will always decrease.
Being overweight may be a sign of inactivity.

Players who can’t immigrate with us are eligible for kicks.

Use of external chat tools


ZxR uses 「Discord」 as its main chat tool.

Within discord’s ZxR group, please unify your user profile by “Account Name/Nickname”.

Alliance & Family

☑ AsL(kmo)
☑ M69(Mtp)
☑ NyA
☑ w&r(w/r, w-r)
☑ ZxR(Zed, Ze1, Ze2, Ze3)


☑ Zetsu, goma0624 G

☑ Nanastyle

☑ Nasya ss[Japanese]
☑ Eileen[English]

☑ Eileen, yamaJP, Am YUKI, peeeach18

【RSS Management】
☑ Zetsu

【IT Engineer】
☑ ikarino98

【Dragon Arena】

【Guild Showdown】
☑ eight0808

【Guild Bash】
☑ eight0808

☑ Allexceed